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My lighter doesn't work! (FAQ)

Below we try to answer commonly asked customer questions. If your question is not listed, please send us an inquiry.


1. Why did you ship me a broken lighter / doesn't work?

We do not ship fuel for safety reasons and we assure you lighters are not shipped broken. If you send an inquiry, we will give you a non-affiliate link to affordable fuel for your lighter.

2. How long are shipping times? Is shipping free?

Shipping is indeed free! The times vary by your location, but expect between 7-14 days business days. If time are longer than 14 days, please submit an inquiry and we will be sure you are properly addressed. Weekends are not included so total time may be longer depending upon day of purchase.

3. What type of fuel do they use?

See bottom line of each product page for the type of fuel used in the lighter. If you need suggestions of brand type or otherwise, send a chat! Most lighters in our college use Butane fuel, there is a variant of the Sanji lighter that uses kerosene, and the heavy torch and other flint lighters use liquid lighter fuel!

4. How often do you add new lighters?

It depends on how quickly we can get them thought-of and manufactured, but usually once a month.

5. How do you get different flame colors!?

We promise the flame colors are real. Colored-flame lighters come equipped with safe minerals attached just above the ignition that, when heated up, will change color depending upon the mineral. This ultimately changes the flame color. Now you know!

**More questions to be added**

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